Before you go on and say technology is hard to follow or understand,I have news for you,if you want to know the latest technological trends you have to be patient.Last year I opened a twitter account and because of my ignorance I did not understand how it works I gave up to soon and missed out on a lot of fun of tweeting,until i failed my internet class and got introduced to Sholain Govender Batemen my new internet lecture*God bless her*,you have to be patient in order for you to understand,after all patience does pays.
As complicated as technology might be we must learn to move wtih the times,so that we would not be left in the stone ages.
In the next coming years all things will be technologically advanced so we need to pave a way for the coming generation,a whole new generation.
When growing up we are told that good things come to those who wait yet at times we are so impatient that miss out on good things.
One of my new's resolutions is that am going to be more patient and on that note my message to you all out there is that you must be patient when dealing with technology and be eager to know what is happenig around you.